Of late, interesting discoveries are happening in the study of Human interactions. What motivates humans, how to get best out of human interaction etc. Here is one talk on what motivates us.
A lot of this work is driven by the realization that unless we understand how people work, and work together we can't get the best that they have to offer. Of course, leading this revolution in work-environment are the small and nimble technology companies. They attract the best of the talents, make amazing products and also make money in the process. Yet a lot of great free stuff comes out of these organizations.
Even NGOs and Service companies have realized that good business results not necessarily from high-pay or strict quality control, but by pointing the people in right direction and letting them take charge of their work and life.
In case of Technology companies, the drive to make an idea succeed makes them adopt fresh ideas of human-resources. In case of service sector, its the drive to give the best service makes them adopt best practices. Now a days even some government departments are adopting new ways to manage staff and provide services.
So how has this new look at human resources affected our schools. Schools after all are where one needs highest creativity, most dedicated and hard-working people. People on whom future of our kids depends. It is where human interaction is at the very heart of good education. Shouldn't they be the leaders in modern methods of people management ?
Sadly, most Educational institutions are far from adopting these ideas. They are not much worried about how they manage their human resources (that is teachers and children). They continue to be run like the old government departments - going in for the lowest tender in everything they do, making archaic rules - with the only difference that they now take-in high fees.
One reason may be that society doesn't looks at schools as "service-providers". What value are you getting for the money you pay. What is the worth of school-teaching in todays market (other than a certificate). If schools are also treated as competing service-providers then that will make schools take a note of how they treat their human resources.
Schools are in danger of making themselves irrelevant to people and their education. Someone is bound to ask the question, what kind of educational service are we getting ? and is it worth it ? I believe that time will come soon.
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