Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Together we....

Its a very different experience to observe a class in choir practice. They are all singing together in-tune and in-rhythm, engrossed and taking cue from the conductor/teacher's hand. Their own collective voice makes them quiet and focused. If only one could get such behavior in the maths classes then so much more can be done.

However in many ways aims of choir and maths are in opposition. While in choir, we would like all to sing one note in sync, in maths we would like children to have varied response and approach. Further, there is no telling what thoughts would occur to different children. One would encourage a variety of explanations and methods of doing same problem. It would be full of kids questioning teacher and each other. So in many ways a maths class can never be like choir practice.

The great feeling that one gets from being together in choir has to come in maths class from collectively discovering inner workings of maths.

1 comment:

  1. choir and mths are vastly different things but here s also one similarity that in choir all sing to achieve one goal that is singing it correctly and makng the song good and in mats the only aim is to get the final answer right and getting it fast and one similarity more that is both require practice.
